France: Rising hardwood prices in autumn auctions

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Oak prices on the rise in France this autumn

This autumn, hardwood auctions in France reveal strong sales and rising prices. For example, at an auction organized in Beaune (Côte d'Or) on September 16, 99% of the volumes auctioned (30,000 m3) were sold. According to ONF (France’s National Office of Forests), the average increase over the year was of 19%. Our analysis (see table 1 below) shows that the price of small range logs rose strongly (+30%). For large logs, the increase appears to be lower (+10%).

While lumber prices have changed relatively slow, lower volumes marketed and good order books explain the price surge. Results observed in other oak auctions clearly confirm this upward trend (+20% on average).

For beech, prices continue to rise with regularity. As a proof, the auction organized on September 3 in Ornans (Doubs) resulted in weak unsold volumes and firm prices. According to our calculations, in one year, the increase is on average 9% for small logs, and 4% for 2 m3 logs (see table 2 below). ONF sees an annual price increase by between 10-15%.  In 2 years, beech prices rose by 25% in Franche-Comté, although according to ONF, in this French region there is a lack of wood.

Moreover, log exports to Asia strongly accentuate the rise. Prices of small logs were largely driven by the strong demand for pulpwood, where the price surge exceeded 40% in just one year in many public sales in north-east France. Under these conditions, many wood professionals speak about a French sawmill industry in crisis.  

Table 1:

Oak prices in Beaune (on foot in and in euros/m3)
  2007 2011 2012 2013 Change 2013/2014
1,5 m3 84 63,75 66 72 +31,9%
2 m3 136 97 92 106 +19,8%
2,5 m3 178 123 114 149 +14,9%
3 m3 212 144 131 170 +11,8%
3,5 m3 235 160,5 146 187 +11,3%
4 m3 - 175 158 200 +8,7%
4,5 m3 - 186,5 170 213 +8,1%
Source : Robert Wood 2014, public auction organized by ONF in Beaune (Côte d’Or)


Table 2:

Beech prices in Franche-Comté (on foot and in euros/m3)

  2006 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Change 2013/2014
1 m3 41 40 27 33 41 32 43,5 47 +8%
1,25 m3 53 47 39 43 48 37 47 51 +8,5%
1,5 m3 65 53 49 51 53 44 51 55 +7,8%
1,75 m3 73 57 57 58 58 48 55 58 +5,5%
2 m3 81 61 64,5 63,5 62 51 59 61 +3,4%
2,25 m3 87 64,5 70 68,5 65 56 63 64 +1,6%
2,5 m3 93 68 76 73 69 60 68 66 -2,9%
Source: Robert Wood 2014, public auction in Ornans (Doubs)
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